Designed for cutting the microduct or a microducts bundle with a diameter up to 64 mm.
Designed for marking and cutting the 12/10mm and 10/8mm microduct coating without damaging the optical fiber placed inside.
Designed for deburring the interior of the microduct. This tool provides a quick preparation of the microducts for blowing-in the optical fiber.
Provides the identification of the underground network by capturing specific radio frequencies, generated by a transmitter.
Designed for signalling and delimitations.
Water based product. Lubricates the microduct prior the blowing-in of the optical fiber. Considerably reducing the friction and the electrostatic charge during the blowing.
Choose the microtube version, then the diameter and the beam configuration.
For applications implying the direct burial of the TeraDuct microducts or their wrapping in several configurations (TeraDuct MIX, TeraDuct LINE), it is recommended to use a microduct with a ticker wall. It will enhance the optimal filling ratios and helps a faster and smoother installation.
For applications that involve placing the TeraDuct ONE or TeraDuct MIX inside of an existing pipe, it is recommended the use of a thinner walled product in which the protection is ensured by the existing pipe.
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